Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Possible future Human impacts:

In the future, harvesting timber will most likely not be an issue because of the harsh regulations on them today. Also The Tropical Rainforest has the attention of many protesters as well as protection groups which makes the rainforest a center of concern on the global scale. To further discuss the impacts that may continue the activity of tourism has the ability to continue to be a major factor. People all around the world want to see these beautiful rainforest, becasue so many tourist are attracted to these sights they bring in money and the fear of limiting or even controlling tourist can easily turn into a "ghost idea." Tourism can leave long lasting effects on the ecosystem. It may be the result of a loss to biodiversity, clearing roads, polluting water ways, and discharge to the sea and habitat loss (1)

1 comment:

  1. I definitely have to disagree with this. If you hide your treasures away and try to keep tourists away, what'll happen is you'll have tourists anyhow, except they'll be getting lost and dying in your rainforest, better to educate the tourists about how to be low impact.
